potato Potato Pedigree Database

pedigree image for 'ARDECHE'    (year: 2017) [depth=5]

 change image tree depth:     Show year of release (when known): ARDECHE (2017) STAYER (2008) AR 02-2139 KARDAL (1988) OLEVA (1989) ASTARTE (1976) AM 66-42 N70-ÆJ-6 POSMO (1978) RR 62-5-43 VTN 62-69-5 VTN 62-33-3 MPI 19268 MINSAND (1981) vrn-hybrid ERDKRAFT (1958) GINEKE (1950) DORITA RR 58-17-14 SCHWALBE (VRN I-3 x DR. McINTOSH)32 ((V 24/20 x ULSTER KNIGHT)1 x PROFIJT)15 (VRN I-3 x PROFIJT)5 MPI 40.1465/6 synonym AQUILA CAYUGA OSTBOTE HOCHPROZENTIGE ULTIMUS RECORD

note: tree images are dimensioned to accomodate full info at the deepest level (the more levels, the taller the picture),
if no info is available at a deep level you may want to reduce the tree depth to obtain a more concise overview