potato Potato Pedigree Database

pedigree image for 'BAMBINO'    (year: 2005) [depth=5]

 change image tree depth:     Show year of release (when known): BAMBINO (2005) NAVAN (1987) BOXER (1996) S 62-47-1 MARIS PIPER (1963) ZD 90-1 LINDSEY (1986) B.3 ZPC 45-2 Y 22/6 1ARRAN CAIRN x HERALD (1963) E 30-11 RECORD (1932) MARIS PIPER (1963) PENTLAND IVORY (1967) 1((CPC 2093(2) (sto) x ULSTER KNIGHT) x MENOMINEE) x ULSTER KNIGHT (1987) REAAL (1956) AQUILA (1942) BEETSMA 38-19 H 4/31 ULSTER KNIGHT (1954) ARRAN CAIRN (1930) HERALD (1928) TRENCTRIA (<1925) ENERGIE (1924) Y 22/6 1ARRAN CAIRN x HERALD (1963) PENTLAND CROWN (1959) PENTLAND DELL (1961) ((CPC 2093(2) (sto) x ULSTER KNIGHT) x MENOMINEE) ULSTER KNIGHT CEB 44-31-2 CEB 43-160-12 (((POLANIN x EF XII-2) x JUBEL) x HINDENBURG) KONSURAGIS THORBECKE BATO CPC 1673 (adg) CPC 1673 (adg) CLARKE 736 CRAIGS DEFIANCE MAY QUEEN PEPO MAJESTIC ABUNDANCE WILSON DE WET COMMANDANT ZOMERROODEN H 4/31 ULSTER KNIGHT ARRAN CAIRN HERALD G 414(64) 11-79 ROSLIN CHANIA ROSLIN SASUMUA

note: tree images are dimensioned to accomodate full info at the deepest level (the more levels, the taller the picture),
if no info is available at a deep level you may want to reduce the tree depth to obtain a more concise overview