potato Potato Pedigree Database

pedigree image for 'ND 9403-20R'    (year: unknown) [depth=5]

 change image tree depth:     Show year of release (when known): ND 9403-20R (3000) ND 8647-3R BISON (1968) ND 6053-1R ND 7522-2R MPI 49.767/7 EVA (1902) ND 4691-1R NORLAND (1957) NEB 412.55 ND 6584-6R MPI 47.174/13 AQUILA (1942) EARLY SUNRISE (<1883) ERSTE VON FROMSDORF (1884) IA 8140-1 ND 2774-3R ND 626 REDKOTE (1953) REDBAKE (1956) NEB 107.5-13 F 17-1 ND 4524-7R MPI 13128 FALKE (1942) 1((POLANIN x EF XII-2) x JUBEL) x HINDENBURG (1942) KONSURAGIS (1930) HERMANN (1879) CIMBAL 88 MINN. 45-11-26 USDA B 67-11 ND 626-1R ND 766-9R ND 179-68 MINN. 11-1-3-2 USDA 116-10 PONTIAC NEB 10.42-1 NEB 1.41-2 USDA B 3306N1 USDA B 2162-36 TL 1859 ND 3842-3R sto ERIKA P 30 I 2 J 130 ((POLANIN x EF XII-2) x JUBEL) HINDENBURG RAGIS 2459 CARNEA ANDERSSEN SUTTON'S FLOURBALL

note: tree images are dimensioned to accomodate full info at the deepest level (the more levels, the taller the picture),
if no info is available at a deep level you may want to reduce the tree depth to obtain a more concise overview