potato Potato Pedigree Database

pedigree image for 'ABBOT'    (year: 2012) [depth=5]

 change image tree depth:     Show year of release (when known): ABBOT (2012) ASTERIX (1991) RH88-025-50 CARDINAL (1972) VE 70-9 DB 207 SH 76-128-1865 TULNER/DE VRIES 54-30-8 SVP 55-89 ALCMARIA (1969) VTN 62-33-3 SH 73-73-752 SH 69-147-582 SASKIA (1946) 1CPC 1673-20 (adg) x FURORE (1972) PIMPERNEL (1953) IVP 51-12-40 SIRTEMA (1947) 1SASKIA x (CPC 1673-20 (adg) x FURORE) (1969) ((V 24/20 x ULSTER KNIGHT)1 x PROFIJT)15 (VRN I-3 x PROFIJT)5 SH 69-132-562 SH 67-126-38 SH 66-115-153 SH 66-111-2 RODE EERSTELING HERALD CPC 1673-20 (adg) FURORE POPULAIR MULDER K 101 1256A(23) LIBERTAS DORST H 123A FRUHMOLLE SASKIA (CPC 1673-20 (adg) x FURORE) SH 66-102-150 DH 64-26-3 SH 66-110-2 SH 65-79-1 SH 65-82-1 SH 65-71-1 SH 65-96-2

note: tree images are dimensioned to accomodate full info at the deepest level (the more levels, the taller the picture),
if no info is available at a deep level you may want to reduce the tree depth to obtain a more concise overview