potato Potato Pedigree Database

pedigree image for 'SHIMAKEI 561'    (year: unknown) [depth=5]

 change image tree depth:     Show year of release (when known): SHIMAKEI 561 (3000) SHIMAKEI 530 ND 860-2 TUNIKA (1967) WB 61037-4 ND 78-3 ND 9583-1 LU. 56.186/21 N LU. 51.183/2 ENIWA (1961) WB 5809-31 MN 8051 ND 8935-1 ND 8692-4 ND 7196-18 APTA (1951) 1OBERARNBACHER FRUHE x 54.3/14/39 (1967) ORA (1952) SPERBER (1955) SHIMAKEI 267 SHIMAKEI 232 E 56177-4 HOCHPROZENTIGE LENAPE (1967) NORCHIP (1968) ND 5455-1R USDA B 5298-14R seedling HINDENBURG OBERARNBACHER FRUHE 54.3/14/39 CAPELLA BRA 9089 CAPELLA AQUILA USDA B 76-23 USDA B 605-10 (IRISH COBBLER x PEPO) SHIMAKEI 169 PEPO E 55164-7 BLUCHER BISMARCK USDA B 3672-3 DELTA GOLD ND 4731-1 M 5009-2 ND 4524-7R ND 2910-1R USDA B 4312-4 USDA B 3536-12

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if no info is available at a deep level you may want to reduce the tree depth to obtain a more concise overview