potato Potato Pedigree Database

pedigree image for 'SKUTELLA'    (year: 1969) [depth=5]

 change image tree depth:     Show year of release (when known): SKUTELLA (1969) SPEKULA (1961) LU. 51.10/39 SCHWALBE (1956) 154.3/14/34 x OBERARNBACHER FRUHE (1961) FRUHMOLLE (1931) GU 633 AQUILA (1942) CAPELLA (1943) 54.3/14/34 OBERARNBACHER FRUHE (1945) ASCHE 118 JUBEL (1908) AQUILA (1942) ERIKA (1941) 1((POLANIN x EF XII-2) x JUBEL) x HINDENBURG (1942) KONSURAGIS (1930) EDDA (1932) 1INDUSTRIE x (EF XII-2 x POLANIN) (1943) Z 20/28 H 4/31 KA.JU.11 RG 1265 VICTORIA AUGUSTA 78/92 1((POLANIN x EF XII-2) x JUBEL) x HINDENBURG (1942) KONSURAGIS (1930) JUBEL (1908) seedling ((POLANIN x EF XII-2) x JUBEL) HINDENBURG RAGIS 2459 CARNEA PREUSSEN INDUSTRIE INDUSTRIE (EF XII-2 x POLANIN) CPC 1673 (adg) CPC 1673 (adg) KAISERKRONE JUBEL EARLY ROSE PROFESSOR GISEVIUS ((POLANIN x EF XII-2) x JUBEL) HINDENBURG RAGIS 2459 CARNEA VICTORIA AUGUSTA 78/92

note: tree images are dimensioned to accomodate full info at the deepest level (the more levels, the taller the picture),
if no info is available at a deep level you may want to reduce the tree depth to obtain a more concise overview