potato Potato Pedigree Database

pedigree image for 'W 8010/2'    (year: unknown) [depth=5]

 change image tree depth:     Show year of release (when known): W 8010/2 (3000) W 823/14 JOHANNA (1941) W 394/9 W 206/403 ACKERSEGEN (1929) BODENKRAFT HINDENBURG (1916) ALLERFRUHESTE GELBE (1922) ISMENE (1903) JUBEL (1908) BOHM 155/06 INDUSTRIE (1900) EARLY SUNRISE ERSTE VON FROMSDORF VICTORIA AUGUSTA 78/92 ZWICKAUER FRUHE SIMSON ZWICKAUER FRUHE SIMSON

note: tree images are dimensioned to accomodate full info at the deepest level (the more levels, the taller the picture),
if no info is available at a deep level you may want to reduce the tree depth to obtain a more concise overview